- URL:
- https://[root]/content/listings/[itemID]/purchase
- Methods:
Example usage
URL for Purchase Listing:
Depending on the type of listing, the purchaser or the vendor can complete a marketplace listing purchase by invoking this operation (POST ONLY).
For free listings, this call must be made by the purchasing org admin or members with request purchase information privilege. The purchaser
parameter is not required in this case.
For all other listings, this call must be made by the vendor org admin or members with request purchase information privilege. The purchaser
parameter is required in this case, and this call will succeed only if that purchaser has already either expressed interest or started a trial.
In some cases the vendor may provision a different item from the one listed. They can specify the provisioned item using the provisioned
This operation cannot be invoked if the item has already been purchased.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
| For a complete listing, see Common parameters. |
| For a complete list of purchaser parameters, see Purchaser parameters. Note that all purchaser parameters are optional. |
| The org ID of the purchaser organization. This parameter is required only when the call is made by the vendor. It is ignored otherwise. |
| The ID of the item to be provisioned if different from the one listed. Note that the listed item and the provisioned item must be related by the Listed2Provisioned relationship otherwise it will result in an error. This parameter is allowed only when the call is made by the vendor. It is ignored otherwise. |
| The end/expiry date of this purchase if any. If this parameter is not specified, it implies an unexpiring purchase. The end date specified should be in milliseconds from epoch. Example:
JSON response syntax
JSON response example
"itemId": "b512083cd1b64e2da1d3f66dbb135956",
"orgId": "org1",
"purchaserOrgId": "org2",
"purchaserUsername": "org2user",
"purchaserFullName": "Test Full Name",
"purchaserEmail": "[email protected]",
"purchaserPhone": null,
"startDate": 1378227269000,
"endDate": -1,
"purchased": true,
"trial": false,
"interested": false,
"created": 1378227262000,
"modified": 1378227269000