- URL:
- https://[root]/portals/[portalID]/users
- Methods:
Example usage
The following is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL for the users
resource, which is used to retrieve a list of users registered with the organization. The results will start with the eleventh entry, sorted by the full names of users in ascending order.
The following is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL for the users
resource, which is used to retrieve a list of users registered with the organization. The results will start with the eleventh entry, sorted by the full names of users in ascending order.
The users
resource lists all the members of the organization. The start
and num
paging parameters are supported.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
| The number of the first entry in the result set response. The index number is 1 based. The default value of start is 1 (that is, the first search result). The Example
| The maximum number of results to be included in the result set response. The default value is 10, and the maximum allowed value is 100. The |
| The field used to sort users. If this is not included in the request, the default is for the list to be sorted by username. Values: |
| Specify whether the user list is returned in ascending or descending order. Values: |
| Filter users by their user license type ID. |
| Filter users by their identity providers. Values: |
| Filter users by their roles. Values: |
| Filter users by their full name. |
| Filter users by their username. |
| Filter users by their first name. |
| Filter users by their last name. |
| Filter users by categories. Example
| If Values: |
| The response format. The default response format is Values: |
Response properties
Property | Details |
| The total number of results found. |
| The number of the first entry in the result set response. The index number is 1 based. |
| The number of results included in this result set response. |
| The next entry index if the current result set doesn't contain all results. |
| A JSON array of user objects. See the sections below to see which user properties are returned by this resource. For a full list of user information, see the User resource. |
JSON Response syntax
"total": <total number of results>,
"start": <results in first set>,
"num": <number of results per page>,
"nextStart": <result number of next page>,
"users": [
"username": "<username>",
"id": "<user id>",
"fullName": "<first name> <last name>",
"availableCredits": <available credits>,
"assignedCredits": <assigned credits>,
"firstName": "<first name>",
"lastName": "<last name>",
"preferredView":"Web | GIS | null,
"description": "<description>",
"email": "<email address>",
"idpUsername": "<idp username>",
"favGroupId": "<favorite group id>",
"lastLogin": <last login date in UNIX time>,
"mfaEnabled": true | false,
"access": "public | org | private",
"storageUsage": <storage used - bytes>,
"storageQuota": <storage quota - bytes>,
"orgId": "<organization id>",
"role": "<role id>",
"userLicenseTypeId": "<user license type ID>",
"disabled": true | false,
"culture": "<culture code>",
"cultureFormat": "<culture format>",
"region": "<region>",
"units": "<unit>",
"thumbnail": "<file name>",
"created": <date created shown in UNIX time>,
"modified": <date modified shown in UNIX time>,
"provider": "<user provider>",
JSON Response example
"total": 22,
"start": 11,
"num": 50,
"nextStart": -1,
"users": [
"username": "asmith",
"id": "61e2ab78ff17b5fda94a8a212ba5df10",
"fullName": "Aaron Smith",
"availableCredits": 156,
"assignedCredits": 200,
"firstName": "Aaron",
"lastName": "Smith",
"preferredView": GIS,
"description": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"idpUsername": null,
"favGroupId": "ac0358ef58744067b94edcc001803adb",
"lastLogin": 1542753677000,
"mfaEnabled": false,
"access": "public",
"storageUsage": 6037704,
"storageQuota": 2147483648,
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"role": "org_admin",
"userLicenseTypeId": "creatorUT",
"disabled": false,
"tags": [],
"culture": "en",
"cultureFormat": "us",
"region": "US",
"units": "english",
"thumbnail": null,
"created": 1308268264000,
"modified": 1309282262000,
"provider": "arcgis",
"username": "bSmith",
"id": "264c8943e7b40cd8fba69cf4f6ac7e7",
"fullName": "Benson Smith",
"availableCredits": 89,
"assignedCredits": 200,
"firstName": "Benson",
"lastName": "Smith",
"preferredView": "Web",
"description": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
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"fullName": "Caitlin Smith",
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"firstName": "Caitlin",
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"description": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
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