DPS Active Permits (0)
| Building |
| Codemodif |
| Combuild |
| Comfast |
| Ctywell |
| Demo |
| Electrical |
| Envhlthsvy |
| Equestrian |
| Fence |
| Firealarm |
| Firepro |
| Fldplain |
| Fldstudy |
| Gburgcom |
| Gburgres |
| General |
| Historic |
| Homeocc |
| Mechanical |
| Nonconform |
| Parkngwavr |
| Publ |
| Recordplat |
| Residentvr |
| Retain |
| Rockvcom |
| Rockvres |
| Sediment |
| Sewagedisp |
| Sign |
| Signvar |
| Siteplan |
| Soils |
| Spcl |
| Spec |
| Specevent |
| Stormfac |
| Stormwater |
| Subdivisn |
| Use & Occ |
| Building Commercial |
| Building Commercial Fast Track |
| Building Residential |
| Code Modification |
| Commercial Use and Occupancy |
| County Well |
| Demolition or Move |
| Enviromental Health and Safety |
| Equestrian Event |
| Fire Alarm |
| Fire Protection Systems |
| Flood Plain District |
| Flood Plain Study |
| Gaithersburg Commercial |
| Gaithersburg Residential |
| Home Occupancy |
| Nonconformance |
| Parking Garage Waiver |
| Public Right of Way |
| Record Plat |
| Resident VR |
| Retaining Wall |
| Rockville Commercial |
| Rockville Residential |
| SPCL |
| Sediment Control |
| Sewage Disposal |
| Signage |
| Signage Variance |
| Site Plan |
| Soil Testing Process |
| Special Event |
| Special Exception |
| Storm Facility |
| Stormwater Managment |
| Subdivision |
| <all other values> |
DPS Use and OCC (5)
| Finaled |
| Issued |
| Open |
| Stop Work |
| Void |
| -1851 - -365 |
| -364 - 0 |
| 1 - 882 |
| Unissued |
DPS Premise Parcels (30)